Rules / Combat / Combat Actions

Combat Actions

Free Action

Free Actions represent things that cost almost no time and effort, like dropping a held item, uttering a few words, or changing Facing.

The GM has the last word on what constitutes a Free Action.

Characters can use 1 Free Action at the time of declaring any non-Free Action, or during Movement before or after leaving each Hex. Both the Free and the non-Free Action must be declared simultaneously, and neither one may be changed after that.

Quick Action

Quick Actions represent small things like firing a ready and aimed bow, drawing an item from a Quick Slot, or taking a few steps.

At the beginning of each Missile Phase, every character gets 1 Quick Action. He can convert his Complex Action into an additional Quick Action at any time during the Missile Phase, but must immediately use it. This counts as having used a Complex Action.

Quick Actions can be used at any time during the Missile Phase, and for Reaction during the Movement Phase.

Complex Action

Complex Actions represent more complex things that can still be accomplished in one Turn.

Each non-Dazed character gets a Complex Action every Turn. He must use it at any time during the Missile Phase, or lose it.

A character who uses a Complex Action may not move in the same turn. He loses any remaining Quick or Melee Actions for this Turn, although he may spend a Quick Action before using his Complex Action.

Melee Action

Melee Actions represent maneuvers and stances directly tied to close combat. They can only be used during the Melee Phase.

Each character receives 1 Melee Action per Turn unless Dazed. (Additional Actions are available via special Features, e.g. Crowd Control).